They are absolutely perfect for a last-minute snack with friends, very simple to make and simply delicious, of course! If you don't like pesto very much, you can substitute for ham and cheese, tomato sauce or even something sweet.
Ingredientes para unas 40 palmeritas:
- 2 láminas de masa de hojaldre fresca.
- 150 gramos de salsa pesto.
Preparación.Precalentamos el horno con el grill encendido a 200ºC. Desplegamos la masa de hojaldre y cubrimos con el pesto. Enrollamos desde los dos extremos hasta llegar al centro y cortamos en rodajas de un centímetro de grosor. Colocamos sobre papel sulfurizado e introducimos en el horno durante unos 10 minutos ó hasta que queden doradas.
Ingredients for 40 palmiers:
- 2 sheets of fresh puff pastry.
- 150 grams of pesto sauce.
Directions.Preheat the oven with the grill on to 200ºC. Unfold the puff pastry and cover with pesto. Coil from both ends to the center and cut into slices a centimeter thick. Put on parchment paper and place in the oven for about 10 minutes or until browned.
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